Friday, April 2, 2010

The Budget - Round 1

When the Future Husband (FH) proposed, I was thrilled! Excited and ready to start planning the wonderful event! Being the frugal gal that I am, I immediately thought of the budget. $5,000 seems reasonable since it will be a small informal wedding with approximately 75 people. We do not envision an elaborate or even traditional wedding. It will be more like a fun reunion of family and friends. When I told my FH that I thought $5,000 would be enough, he politely responded that it just couldn't happen. He based this on a birthday party he had given me (for about 25 people) that had cost about a $1,000 with a pretty big discount from the restaurant where he knows the manager....

I still feel like it is possible to have a wedding in the Bay Area for $5,000. And, being the confident gal that I am, I immediately began researching the internet for "budget weddings" and so the story begins.....

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